CHAPTER 9: Jules doth not think that word meaneth what thou thinkest it meaneth.

1. And it came to pass that Jules knew several people who ended nearly every sentence with the word “literally.”
2. Yea, literally.
3. Behold, these people would say such things as, “I just can’t handle that smell. I will LITERALLY throw up all day. LITERALLY.” Or, “He ran around crazy for days. Literally.” And it came to pass that Jules wanted to literally smack these people in the face.

Preach, Inigo.

4. For behold, why was it necessary to punctuate each sentence with that word? Especially when it did not make sense?
5. Yea, the definition of “literally” is “actually; without exaggeration.” So, it didst perturb Jules exceedingly when the word was used after a gross exaggeration:

(Warning: This doth contain some mild language….)

6. And it came to pass that Jules didst do nothing to stop the people from using that word. And she didst bear her burdens and suffer in silence. Until she could blog. Literally.